公众服务奖 - The Post and Courier, Charleston, SC
突发报道奖 - The Seattle Times Staff
调查性报道奖 - Two Prizes: - Eric Lipton of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Staff
释义性报道奖 - Zachary R. Mider of Bloomberg News
当地报道奖 - Rob Kuznia, Rebecca Kimitch and Frank Suraci of the Daily Breeze, Torrance, CA
国内报道奖 - Carol D. Leonnig of The Washington Post
国际报道奖 - The New York Times Staff
特稿写作奖 - Diana Marcum of the Los Angeles Times
评论奖- Lisa Falkenberg of the Houston Chronicle
批评奖 - Mary McNamara of the Los Angeles Times
社论写作奖 - Kathleen Kingsbury of The Boston Globe
漫画创作奖 - Adam Zyglis of The Buffalo News
现场拍摄奖 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch Photography Staff
专题拍摄奖 - Daniel Berehulak , freelance photographer, The New York Times
小说奖 - "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr (Scribner)
戏剧奖 - "Between Riverside and Crazy" by Stephen Adly Guirgis
历史奖 - "Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People " by Elizabeth A. Fenn (Hill and Wang)
传记文学奖 - "The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe" by David I. Kertzer (Random House)
诗歌奖 - "Digest" by Gregory Pardlo (Four Way Books)
非小说奖 - "The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History" by Elizabeth Kolbert (Henry Holt)
音乐奖 - "Anthracite Fields" by Julia Wolfe (G. Schirmer, Inc.)